Cable, Satellite and now Joost?
With no major networks broadcasting locally, most North Central Washington residents rely on cable or satellite for their daily dose of TV. With the Internet becoming more of a necessity than a luxury, most of us pay a monthly phone, TV, and now Internet bill. VOIP phone services like Vonage are allowing some to forgo the monthly phone bill in favor of a lower monthly bill for a service that piggybacks off the Internet. So if a phone company can bypass traditional means of providing a service, then why not TV?
Napster made sharing music files fast, easy and very popular. Similar services popped up later that not only allowed people to share music, but video as well. The problem so far with file sharing, is a majority of it has been illegal, but now a new company called "Joost" (pronounced juiced) is trying to use file sharing to deliver television over the Internet. Will it work or be successful? Your guess is as good as mine. Regardless, after reading about Joost in Time magazine I requested to be a beta tester of their service. What do I think about Joost so far? The only thing it has going for it is potential. Limited channels and limited shows for the moment, but just like file sharing networks, the more people that use it, the better it will get.
Joost recently sent me some invites that will automatically allow others to join in on their free beta testing. If anyone is interested in trying out Joost, simply contact me here. Be sure to leave a name and email address.