
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moderation or Word Verification?

So bad for you, but oh so tasty, it's spam! I find recently that robot generated spam begins to plague my blog. I turned on comment moderation, but it delays comments from being posted and can seem intimidating. A person might think I am judging their comments worthy to appear, when all I really want to do is remove the spam.

I don't want people to think I am judging their comments so I am going to turn off comment moderation and turn on those awful "word verification" boxes. You know, those little boxes with funny letters that no one can read. I hate to do it, but considering I have been getting over 30 spam posts a day, I have to do something.

I understand the ups and downs of moderation/verfication, and it really comes down to a choice of the lesser of two evils. If you would like me to remove "word verification" and return to moderation, just let me know.

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